Meet Our Team
LTEC work with colleagues across the University of Salford, focused on developing exceptional learning experiences for all Salford students. To achieve this, we facilitate formal and informal continuing academic professional development opportunities, support and training for educational technologies, and support and guidance for pedagogic enquiry.
Led by Professor Jess Power, a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a National Teaching Fellow, our team brings together diverse expertise from various disciplines. Drawing our team from backgrounds as varied as textiles, languages, design, sciences, law and business, and from across the spectrum of tertiary education, the LTEC team offer a wealth of varied experience and significant pedagogic expertise.
The LTEC Leadership Team is responsible for setting the strategic direction and overseeing the operational management of the centre. Led by the University Associate Pro Vice Chancellor Teaching and Learning Enhancement, and with team leads for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and Higher Technical Skills, Leadership Team works collaboratively with the academic schools, professional services, and other stakeholders to ensure that the centre delivers high-quality and innovative learning and teaching enhancement initiatives that align with the University’s vision and values.
Academic Development
Our expert team of Academic Developers work directly in partnership with the University of Salford’s academic schools to guide and support delivery of a unique and engaging learning experience and high-quality outcomes, driving student success. They also deliver our flagship academic development programme, the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, as well as a range of initial and continuing professional development opportunities for academic colleagues, primarily our ‘Spotlight’ events.
Learning Technologists
Our innovative and creative team of Learning Technologists offer colleagues training, guidance and support for a range of institutionally provided technologies for teaching and learning. They work closely with our academic development team, bringing an expert technical eye to curriculum development, research projects, training and workshops, and pedagogic innovation.
Administration & Coordination
As well as the smooth running of day-to-day activity in LTEC, our administration team are responsible for the effective organisation and administering of our Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, a number of Introduction to University Teaching workshops, and our Festival of Learning and Teaching. They are closely connected with academic and professional services staff across the University and are the friendly face of LTEC many encounters as a first point of contact.